一、报告题目:Data-Driven Robust Chance Constrained Problems: A Mixture Model Approach
二、报告人:陈志平教授 西安交通大学 雷火竞技官方网站
五、报告摘要:We discuss the mixture distribution based data-driven robust chance constrained problem. We construct a data-driven mixture distribution based uncertainty set from the perspective of simultaneously estimating higher order moments. Then, we derive a reformulation of the data-driven robust chance constrained problem. As the reformulation is not a convex programming problem, we propose new and tight convex approximations based on the piecewise linear approximation method. We establish the theoretical foundation for these approximations. Finally, numerical results show that the proposed approximations are practical and efficient.
陈志平:剑桥大学博士后,西安交通大学雷火竞技官方网站教授、博士生导师,西安交通大学西安数学与数学技术研究院常务副经理、国家天元数学西北中心副主任,中国运筹学会常务理事,中国运筹学会金融工程与金融风险管理分会副理事长,中国管理科学与工程学会金融计量与风险管理研究会常务理事。长期从事随机规划理论及其应用、分布式鲁棒优化、金融风险度量与投资分析等领域的研究,在SIAM Journal on Optimization,Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, European Journal of Operational Research,Annals of Operations Research, Journal of Banking & Finance, Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, Insurance: Mathematics and Economics, Economic Modelling, Quantitative Finance等运筹学、经济与金融期刊发表SCI(SSCI)检索论文60余篇。主持国家自然科学基金4项,其中所主持批准号为70971109的国家自然科学基金项目在结题项目绩效评估中被评为特优。现为《OR Spectrum》编委,《Big Data and Information Analytics》编委、《工程数学学报》编委、编辑部主任。